Automatically Sign-in to Yahoo! Messenger in Windows 7
With regular advancements in the applications and technologies Yahoo! Messenger has also been upgraded to provide several sophisticated features in order to make the application completely user-friendly and easy to use. Signing-in to Yahoo! Messenger automatically whenever the application is initiated is yet another tremendous feature which allows users to logon to the messenger as soon as they double-click on its icon on their computers. However this feature only works when Yahoo! Messenger is configured to save user ID and password. The steps involved in allowing the application to sign in using the saved user ID and password are quite simple and straightforward and as a Windows 7 user who users Yahoo! Messenger on regular basis on personal computer if you want to configure the application to do so you are required to follow the steps given below:
Initiate Yahoo! Messenger application onto Windows 7 computer after logging on.
On the first screen type in Yahoo username in Yahoo! ID and password in Password field.
Make sure that Remember my ID and password checkbox is checked and check Sign in automaticallycheckbox to configure the application to automatically log in with the saved user ID and password.
Finally click on Sign In button to logon to the messenger.