Firefox Theme of the Week - SKY
Despite my love for shiny interfaces sometimes I just feel a need to keep things as short and simple as possible so Firefox themes like SKY shouldn't come as a surprise - they are needed to keep the balance here on PCTips3000's Firefox addons series and more than that to keep my own user experience in the comfort zone...
... so let's keep this short and simple by pointing out the things that really matter when it comes to SKY: version 1.6.2 was released on the 10th of April 2010 having less than 500 KB in size and a rating of 4/5 stars after 55 reviews on with no less than 418992 downloads so far! Freely available SKY has a suggested contribution value of $0.99 and works with Firefox 3.6.* only - at least its author only tested it on Firefox 3.6 and Windows 7 so be happy with it or test on any Windows/Firefox combo you can think of and then get back here to share your results all right?
Other than the above I think I should also tell you that SKY's official home is here where you can also find other themes by Andrew Shay (xXSonyBoy4lfeXx) such as Strike STEAM Royal Blue or BlackX so if you think that SKY is not enough for you today I guess I just gave you much more than a Firefox theme so... I am sure you know what to do next! That's all folks! ;)