Firefox Collections
When it comes to Firefox I must admit that I became a bit ignorant in the last few years. Sure it was great for a while but Opera started to grow on me a long time ago... and it overwhelmed Firefox one day obviously. That doesn't mean I completely forgot about Mozilla's browser only that I use Opera for most of the time and I'm not really up to date with the news surrounding Firefox so I have some kind of excuse for discovering Firefox Collections only yesterday despite the fact it's been around for over a year... :|
In case you're still in the crowd I belonged to until yesterday and you're wondering what's so special about these Firefox collections here's the official mumbo-jumbo: "Collections are groups of related add-ons that anyone can create and share." Got it? Sure I think this isn't exactly the truth since you can simply throw in a bunch of completely different Firefox addons into a collection and that would still be all right.
While I don't think that Firefox is still world's fastest browser best looking most popular and so on I am sure that people who are crazy about turning their browser into the ultimate piece of code will love these collections of addons. Let's just check a popular collection for example - Web Developer's Toolbox contains 11 Firefox addons that will help speed up development and troubleshooting of Web projects including the notorious Firebug Greasemonkey or ColorZilla.
Add-on Collections: Overview from Justin Scott on Vimeo.
11 Firefox addons in a collection sounds decent but what about no less than 165??? I don't know about you but I'm sure that Firefox with as many addons surely doesn't work faster than one without a single addon! ;)
Now don't let me keep you - feel free to go here and browse through the existing Firefox collections - in case you want to get updates on various collections and manage your own directly from Firefox you may want to use this Firefox addon. That's all folks!